
Coaches Corner

  AUGUST CAMP August 24, 2009 August starts the downward push towards the ski season.  Training increases and specificity transitions from an emphasis on general training to primarily ski specific training. We had a particularly good camp in Ironwood with effective training, comfortable lodging (thanks Bob and Debbie – Wolverine Village) and well prepared meals (thanks Bill Pierce, Bob and [...]

Birkie Masters Camp August 12, 2009  The August 7-9th Birkie Master’s Camp held at Telemark Resort in Cable, WI was the first CXC camp that was solely for Master’s skiers.  The turn out was better than expected with 25 participants (17 masters skiers and 8 of CXC Master’s Team members) and we certainly will look forward to [...]

Can you give more detail on how to calculate training load? For example, how many minutes at Level 1 gives a load of 10? How many Level 3 intervals to get a load of 6? Intensity is commonly measured by perceived exertion. Perceived exertion is often scaled from 1 to 10, 4 to 20, etc. A [...]