
Great Bear Chase

Ian Torchia: An Early Retrospective as he Retires from Professional Skiing

Skiing-wise, Ian Torchia has nearly done it all. And now, in life, he’s ready to do some more. In an Instagram post following the American Birkiebeiner, Torchia announced that he is retiring from professional skiing with his trademark blend of gratitude and humor, saying, “In the end I won’t remember the races won (a few) or lost (many more) but the lifelong bonds of teammates, the support of friends and family, and how special the...

Great Bear Chase – Winter has arrived

Conditions for the UP Health System Portage Great Bear Chase are looking great, especially since winter arrived in full force over the past couple of weeks! Check out the latest conditions with the Swedetown webcams. The Great Bear Chase committee has been working hard to once again host a high quality event this year, but in a manner that focuses on everyone’s safety. We are committed to making this event a great experience for all...

UP Health System Portage Great Bear Chase, which will take place on Saturday, March 11th.  Last year the event had record participation, with 657 registered racers in an event that typically sees around 500. The Great Bear Chase committee has been working hard over the past few years to really make this a high quality event, listening to racer and volunteer feedback and making improvements each year. We’ve added a 50km skiathlon, found a new...

Why Skiing? How A Sport Saved My Life

After graduating from college with a math degree, I was stuck in a call-center job that I hated and struggling with a family history of anxiety and heart disease. Then a few good mentors got me cross-country skiing. I've since enrolled in grad school at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and joined their ski team. Almost every aspect of my life changed for the better.