
May Fools

On-Board Computer Completes Freeman Cyborg Transformation

Kris Freeman, the U.S.’s top male distance skier, will have a cutting-edge on-board computer system implanted into his skull this summer, completing his transformation into a race-winning cyborg. Freeman, a type one diabetic, has been racing for the last year with the help of two devices: a continuous glucose monitor and an insulin pump. Those products have helped him render the effects of his disease all but moot. But the computer, constructed by his longtime...

Vordenberg Launches All In! Line of Designer Handbags

All those long, lonely nights driving a cargo van full of skis and waxing equipment across Europe have given USST coach Pete Vordenberg plenty of time to think. Anyone who has ever undertaken a late night trip knows the mind comes up with all sorts of ideas, but rarely do such musings come to fruition. But for Vordenberg, a seemingly outrageous fantasy in the wee hours of a trip across Finland appears to be headed...