Let’s go niche for a second as this will be a recurring theme of this rollerski review. It’s not exactly the dark web, but this esoteric rollerski site lists over 50 manufacturers. Presuming each brand builds out several models of rollerskis, we’re talking well over 100 styles and permutations of dryland training gear. That’s only considering skate rollerskis. The basic engineering premise is the same for all of those: two wheels, four ball-bearing sets per ski,...
With the evolution from aluminum-shaft rollerskis to composite laminates (think a combination of wood, sometimes a honeycomb matrix and layers of fiberglass/carbon fiber) manufacturers have built rollerskis with “flex”. A skate rollerski’s flex pattern is part of the design process to better mimic that ubiquitous “on-snow feel” nearly all rollerki manufacturers claim and few master. For the purposes of this review, “on-snow feel” for rollerskis will be defined as the following: smooth, relative vibration-free...
It's a tall task to find perfect pavement for rollerskiing, but harsh road vibrations can be a downright downer. Rundle Sport, based in Canmore, sells the FLEX rollerski. In the niche world of rollerski design, they may just have developed a rollerski that makes rough pavement tolerable.