
US Nordic Ski Interviews by TOKO

US Nordic Ski Interviews by TOKO: Catching up with Gus Schumacher post Tour de Ski

  This interview series is made possible on FasterSkier through the generous support of Marty and Kathy Hall and their A Hall Mark of Excellence Award. To learn more about A Hall Mark of Excellence Award or to learn how you can support FasterSkier’s coverage please contact info@fasterskier.com. TOKO: Wax, Tools, Gloves, Accessories  Gus Schumacher is the defending World Junior Nordic Ski Champion, U.S. National Skate Sprint Champion, and currently 2nd world-ranked under 23 skier....

US Nordic Ski Interviews by TOKO: David Norris Post-Covid and Pre-Lahti World Cups

This interview series is made possible on FasterSkier through the generous support of Marty and Kathy Hall and their A Hall Mark of Excellence Award. To learn more about A Hall Mark of Excellence Award or to learn how you can support FasterSkier’s coverage please contact info@fasterskier.com. TOKO: Wax, Tools, Gloves, Accessories  David Norris has 10 top 30 World Cup, World Championship, and Olympic individual finishes. He is also the 2016 American Birkebeiner Champion. He...