A Database of the 99 Skiing Anti-Doping Samples in the McLaren Report

Chelsea LittleFebruary 2, 2017


99 samples and 46 skiers, including Paralympians, are mentioned in the McLaren report, an independent investigation commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency to assess doping by Russian athletes.

The following is a database we have assembled of all the mentions of these athletes and tests. For each piece of information, we have listed which document in the McLaren report’s Evidence Disclosure Package holds the information. You can find those documents on the Evidence Disclosure Package webpage by searching for the name of the document (for example, “EDP1155”). Some of the evidence documents are also described and discussed in the McLaren report itself. Otherwise, they do not have any titles, metadata, or descriptions.

Below, positive tests are highlighted in red (13 cases). Samples which showed signs of tampering based on forensic investigation are highlighted in blue (31 cases).

Link to the Database: Skiers in the McLaren Report

In a number of cases, Vice Minister for Sport Alexey Velikodniy gives “save” or “quarantine” orders for positive tests to either be disappeared, or for athletes to be retained in Russia so that they cannot fail external doping tests.

Note 1: EDP1149 and EDP1154 are two different planning documents for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. As we discussed in a previous piece, they should not be considered accurate information about whether an athlete did or did not compete in a particular event in Sochi. However, an athlete’s mention in these documents indicates that they were at least competing at a level where their inclusion in the Olympics was possible. EDP1166, meanwhile, is a list compiled of tests referred to in the report and how they were or were not entered into the World Anti-Doping Agency’s ADAMS database. The list does not actually include every sample referred to in the evidence packet, however.

Note 2: This is a deeper dive into the evidence after our initial review, which identified 34 skiers. This database will be updated as new information becomes available. Updates will be announced and discussed on our “Doping in Nordic Sport” blog.

Chelsea Little

Chelsea Little is FasterSkier's Editor-At-Large. A former racer at Ford Sayre, Dartmouth College and the Craftsbury Green Racing Project, she is a PhD candidate in aquatic ecology in the @Altermatt_lab at Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. You can follow her on twitter @ChelskiLittle.

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