3rd Annual NENSA/BKL Carter-Moriah Hike

FasterSkierJuly 26, 2003

From: The New England Nordic Ski Association
To: Cross-country skiers everywhere
Pass the word! Call, email, mention on your next training ride or run, and invite one and all to the 3rd Annual NENSA/BKL Hike, Sunday, August 17th.
The NENSA Hike has become a tradition in the New England skiing community. This year we offer you another memorable experience the NH White Mountains as we traverse the Carter-Moriah Range across the valley from the Presidential Range. BKL families will ascend Carter Dome. All routes end in boulder-strewn Carter Notch where an AMC Hut is located beside a pristine lake. Updates will follow on the website, www.NENSA.net
3rd Annual NENSA/BKL Carter-Moriah Hike
Sunday, August 17th

Open Invitation: NENSA Board and Staff invite NENSA clubs, skiers, BKL members and their families to sublime views and extended ridge-walking in New England’s “forgotten” range, The Carter-Moriah mountains across from MtWashington in Pinkham Notch. Three hikes of graduated difficulty are scheduled for the day, all worthy, all exciting. Latest information regarding the hike will be posted at www.NENSA.net

I.BKL Family Activity Day Hike:
“There and Back Again— The Carter DomeLoop”
Leave Rte 16 on Nineteen Mile Brook trail (7 miles south of Gorham, 1 mile north ofGreatGlenTrailsOutdoorCenter). Park OFF the highway. Hike 1.9 miles to trail junction with Carter Dome trail on left. It is 1.87 miles from here toZetaPassand1.5 miles more to Carter Dome(4850′). 1.5 miles down from Carter Dome to stunning Carter Notch; 3.3 miles from Carter Notch hut to Nineteen Mile Brook trail and parking.
Total miles: 9.1.
Total estimated time: 6.5 hours
Start time10:00am

Alternate route/ shorter option:Nineteen Mile Brook trail straight to beautiful Carter Notch and hut and return: 6.6 miles, 4.0 hours

II. Imp’s Delight:
Leave Rte 16 .95 mile South of the intersection with Dolly Copp Rd, nearly opposite Dolly Copp Picnic Area. Park OFF the highway 3.10 miles to Carter Moriah Trail; turn south and follow ridge along Middle Carter (4584′), South Carter, Mt Hight (4675), Carter Dome (4850), and descend to Carter Notch and Hut (5.5 miles); return via Nineteen Mile Brook trail to Rte 16 (3.3 miles).
Total miles: 11.5                                
Total estimated time: 8.5 hours
Start Time: 8:30am
*Note: you must either arrange for another vehicle to be on Rte 16 at nineteen Mile Brook trailhead or jog back to Dolly Copp (5 miles)

III. Gunner’s OD: Stoney Brook to Carter Notch
This trail leaves Rte 16 just south of the bridge over thePeabodyRiverabout two miles South of Gorham. Park off the highway. Rte 16 to Carter-Moriah trail 3.5 miles. Then it is North Carter, Middle Carter (4584′), South Carter, Mt Hight (4675), Carter Dome (4850), and descend to Carter Notch and Hut (7.9 miles); return via Nineteen Mile Brook trail to Rte 16 (3.3 miles).
Total miles: 15   
Total estimated time: 10.5 hours
Leaders: Fred Griffin, Jeff Hixon       
Start Time: 7:30am

*Note: you must either arrange for another vehicle to be on Rte 16 at Nineteen Mile Brook trailhead or jog back to your trailhead (9 miles)

IV. Don’t Even Think About It
Puzzling over the possibilities offered by this long ridgeline, I noticed that one could start at the AT on Rte 2 in Shelburne at theRattleRivertrailhead. This would lead to a march south to the Kenduskeag and from there to Mt Moriah and connection with the Carter-Moriah trail, the Carters, Carter Notch and out via Nineteen Mile Brook trail as the other hikes do. I abandoned this route because it was too long and difficult for one day: 18.3 miles and 12 hours. 

ALL Hikers, Please Take Note!

The NENSA Hike/BKL Activity Day is a meeting of our winter community in summer to celebrate fellowship, love of the outdoors, healthy living. Please prepare properly for the rigors of an extended hike above treeline. Have maps, snacks, extra water, extra clothes. We are providing experienced leaders for each hike, but you and you alone are responsible for your safety and well-being. Prepare well and make this a joyous occasion!


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