Espen Harald Bjerke

FasterSkierOctober 22, 2003

Espen Harald Bjerke
Norway National Team Member
Age: 23
Height: 183cm
Weight: 74 kg
Single or Married: girlfriend
Hometown: Lillehammer
Current town of residence: Lillehammer
Coach: Krister Sørgård
Sponsors: Trygve Owren AS, Euroskilt AS, GjensidigeNOR, Pervco, Multichem Wallinco,
Tiur Tyrived, Jan Stenerud & co inc.

Can you list some of your skiing accomplishments that you are most proud of?
World cup 30km mass start Otapa, Estonia, 16th classic
The Norwegian Championship 3rd, 10 km classic.

How many hours did you train last year? Are you increasing this year?

500 hours, (had a lot of injuries), 750 this year.

What do you feel is your best strength as a skier?

My endurance and will-power.

How much of your training is done with your team or club, and how much training
do you do alone?

We have training camp with the team 7-15 days per month from May to November.

What hobbies/interests do you have other than skiing?

Studies (economy and administration), telemark skiing.

What is your opinion on the changes in race formats in recent years (sprints,
mass-starts, skiathlom, etc)?

May be it is too many changes too fast.

What is your take on the issue of doping and related penalties in Cross-Country
ski racing these days?

If you using doping, you should be expelled for life, there is no room for cheaters
in any sports!

Do you have a favorite workout that you think is particularly beneficial to your

When classic roller skiing I believe in double puling, and controlling intensity
is also important

Where is your favorite place to ski race?


Where is your favorite place to train?


Have you spent much time skiing in North America, and what is your impression
of Cross-Country ski racing in North America?

I’ve been to Spring series once, had real fun!

Can you give a few words of advice on training or racing to our readers, perhaps
young skiers especially?

As I said earlier, intensity control is important, slow on the long workouts and
fast on the intervals.


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