The final stage in the learning process called automation and variability is briefly characterized in this article. From that discussion the proper methods and aims are derived and described. Special focus is laid on practical tips, models of training sessions, and suggestions for exercises.
The authors:
Dr. Stefan Lindinger: Sports scientist at the Department of Sport Science and Kinesiology, University of Salzburg / Austria with the main fields advanced biomechanics / kinesiology / science of training in cross-country skiing; special focus on new methods in technical training; state-certified cross-country skiing coach; responsible in trainers’ education in Austria; technique analysis projects with the Norwegian Ski Association 1997-1999 (Coaches: Ulf Morten Aune (now sprint coach); Erik R?ste (this time’s chief coach)) for Ph.D.; cooperation (teaching in trainers’ education, training projects, research) with the ski associations of Sweden and Switzerland since 2002 and 1999, respectively.
Dr. Walter Minatti: Director of Cross Country Skiing at STAMS Skiing High School / Tyrol / Austria; Sports scientist and psychologist; main responsible for trainers’ education in Austria. Both published the CD-Rom 'Perfect Skating'