Drew, what’s your status on the Canadian team?
– I am currently on Canada’s Team 2006 with team mates George Grey, Chris Jeffries, Devon Kershaw, Chandra Crawford, Milaine Theriault and Dasha Gaiazova.(Beckie and Sara are on Team 2005). This is my third year on the Senior National Team, I also spent one year on the Junior National Team. I receive almost full support from the team as far as camps go and I have what’s called a Senior Card from the Canadian Government which is monthly financial support to help amateur athletes with living expenses and schooling.
 as well as a handful of trips into the backcountry. In early May we choppered in to Assiniboine Lodge for a week. Assiniboine is a backcountry lodge run by Sara Renner's parents. We had some incredible days of crust skiing up there and couldn't have asked for better conditions. On average we did four hours per day, usually skating in the morning when the crust was good and then classic in the afternoon once things got sloppy. We even had a track setter up there to set a 3-4km classic track.</p>
<p><B>Where are you currently training and why? </B><br />
– I live and train in Canmore, AB. I live here because I believe that it is by far the best place to train in Canada and the National Team is based here. There are a lot of excellent resources at our disposal through the University of Calgary, The Sport Centre in Calgary and the Bill Warren Training Centre at the Canmore Nordic Centre. Facilities of this caliber are hard to find anywhere else. Not to mention being lucky enough to wake up and train in the Rockies every day!</p>
<p><B>You won the sprint at the U-23 Worlds last year ahead of Norwegian Borre Naess. He went on to make the podium in a World Cup sprint race at the end of the season. That must be inspiring? Are you going to focus on sprint racing?</B><br />
– Yes, it is very inspiring. At the U-23's I had no idea of how strong a sprinter Naess was. Then seeing him on the podium at the World Cup finals in Italy really paved that path to where I want to be. Now the World Cup podium seems much more within reach. Andy Newell also did very well in that World Cup, qualifying for the heats, which helped to make me realize that, I too can be up there in the near future.</p>
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