Surf’s Up: US Ski Team Choosing San Diego, California For Summer Dryland Camp

FasterSkierJune 12, 2004 checked out San Diego, US cross country team’s choice for a low altitude and high intensity camp in September (September 18 – October 1). We also talked to head Coach Trond Nystad about this.

San Diego
Men’s Journal Magazine ( ) named in their 2004 June issue San Diego, California (right next to the Mexican border) their #1 “Best Big City” in USA. They used 37 variables, like cost of living, air and water quality to amount of wilderness nearby to determine the winners. Endless sunshine and an average daily temperature of 70.5 degrees F was a big part of why San Diego landed atop of the list. Quote from the article: “sunglasses, flip-flops, and surf trunks are the uniform here”. I’ll skip other factors important to the journal’s male readers and stop the advertising there…


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