Have you best xc ski season ever. Do your fall interval, speed and distance training on PRO-SKI rollerskis. It pays off.
The World’s fittest long distance and World Cup skiers are doing their dryland training on PRO-SKI Rollerskis. This includes the entire Norwegian National Team and many top North Americans such as Olympic Gold Medal winner Beckie Scott. Get on PRO-SKI rollerskis this fall and train on the choice of Swedish Vasaloppet winners Anders Aukland, Oscar Svard, Daniel Tynell and Henrik Eriksson, 2003 50-kilometer Skate Champion Martin Koukal, 2003 Pursuit World Champion Per Elofsson and many other Champion racers. Former superstars Bjorn Daehlie and Vegard Ulvang used PRO-SKIS when they were dominating international racing.
They are all choosing PRO-SKI rollerskis because of great ski feel, ideal speed and resistance, as well as proven reliability. All of these skiers want the most out of their dryland training – and so do you. Visit the TorbjornSport website today and check out all of our PRO-SKI models.
Choose the C2 or TECH models for your classic workouts and to build strength and MaxVO2. Choose S2 or S3 for your skate training.
Go To: <www.TorbjornSport.com