Trond Nystad Comments On FasterSkier Club Subscription

FasterSkierMarch 9, 2005

US Ski Team coach Trond Nystad has been reading the in-depth articles in our monthly Club newsletter. We recently asked him if these articles were helpful to him and if he thought the information was useful to others in the ski community.

“I think the articles you guys provide in the Club Subscription Service are very interesting and of very high quality. I always look forward to receiving the newsletters as it keeps me and my staff up to date and exposed to a lot of new and old ideas. I am glad that you guys are doing this as it is a great service and pretty much the only way to get access to a wide variety of articles and topics from around the world. Every serious coach and racer should in my mind be reading the stuff you guys write. Lots of great information for parents as well.

“I'll be happy to contribute stuff after the season is over.”

Trond Nystad, US National Team Head coach

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Here are some of the articles that club members have received in recent months:

January Issue:
This month we include two articles:

1.Micro-nutrients in focus – a summary and information about use and overuse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

2.Norwegian Wax Team strategies – a summary of the organization, ideas and knowledge of the Norwegian National Wax team

February Issue:
The February issue

This month we include two articles:

1. Endurance Training part 1 and part 2 – a translation of an article by Johan Kaggestad, one of the most known endurance sport coaches in Norway during the past century.

2. Coaching of children and youth – a few pages based on a manual from the Norwegian Ski Federation


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