April 2005 Edition Of FasterSkier Club Newsletter

FasterSkierApril 26, 2005

This is the twelfth and last 2004-2005 issue of Fasterskier.com’s subscription service covering in-depth, modern and interesting issues in the sport of Cross-Country. This month we include one new article and a wrap-up of the past year’s articles.

For non-subscribers, this is a great time to join. You'll get a summary of last year's in-depth articles and you can look forward to a full year of excellent cross country skiing articles. We occasionally offer bonus gifts to our subscribers as well. See below to sign up.

The April issue:

1. Endurance training that gives results
– First part of a summary from a new book on Endurance Training written by the Norwegian Olympic Committee — Top Performance Group. This group coordinates top-level endurance training for several sports in Norway, and has developed an enormous data base of successful training examples as well as knowledge of the theory behind this training

2. Summary of articles in Volume 1
– We wanted to wrap-up the past year by directing your attention to some of the articles we published. We try to stay as current and up to date with the latest developments in Cross-Country training and related topics as we can — and we feel we achieved this in our inaugural year for “the Club”.

Please enjoy and give us comments, as well as suggestion for subjects you would like us to cover in the future. This next year we will continue along the same lines as this year, and might once in a while also invite other “Cross-Country experts” to write for us.

US Ski Team coach Trond Nystad has been reading the in-depth articles in our monthly FasterSkier.com Club newsletter. We recently asked him if these articles were helpful to him and if he thought the information was useful to others in the ski community.

“I think the articles you guys provide in the Club Subscription Service are very interesting and of very high quality. I always look forward to receiving the newsletters as it keeps me and my staff up to date and exposed to a lot of new and old ideas. I am glad that you guys are doing this as it is a great service and pretty much the only way to get access to a wide variety of articles and topics from around the world. Every serious coach and racer should in my mind be reading the stuff you guys write. Lots of great information for parents as well.

“I'll be happy to contribute stuff after the season is over.”

Trond Nystad, US National Team Head coach

Don't miss out on these great articles, join The Club now!

More Club Info: http://www.fasterskier.com/Club/info.php

Sign Up: https://www.xmission.com/~nordic22/membership/signup.php


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