This article originally appeared on Visit Team Today to find out how you can support the US Ski Team athletes.
This spring has brought quite a few changes to two U.S. Ski Team racers. Carl Swenson has been studying for the LSAT in anticipation of going to Law School next fall. Andrew Johnson punctured his foot with a small stick while driving a golf cart and the wound became infected prompting emergency surgery and a course of heavy antibiotics. He has a pickline — an IV line — running from his arm up his shoulder and down near his heart. His foot has also been in a soft-cast and he has been on crutches for several weeks.
Last week AJ trained 19 hours. 15 of which were totally stationary. Carl also took the LSAT — closing the first chapter of his pending law career.
Here is an interview with these two athletes that took place here in Park City, UT.
PV (Pete Vordenberg) — AJ (Andrew Johnson), 19 hours is a good week of training for anyone. To do 15 of it all stationary is impressive. What were you doing for training?
AJ — I did a lot of general and core strength. I also did a lot of exer-genie and elastic pull-cord training. I can get my hr into level 4 on the exer-genie. I can go plenty hard with that. I can go harder on that than I can biking with 1.5 legs (he pedals a stationary bike with both legs but applies only half pressure with his hurt leg).
PV — What about the other four hours?
AJ — The remaining 4 hours were done mtn biking on pavement (to cushion the bumps) and one session out on trail skates (a big wheeled, all-terrain rollerski like contraption that you use your regular shoes in — very comfortable and they have a nice breaking system). It was only the past few days I have been able to venture out much — though I did do some longer outings on my crutches — up to an hour (that didn’t count toward his training — though it was exhausting).