The US Ski Team and a number of other ambitious skiers from around the country are currently doing altitude training in Park City, Utah. Video filming, heart rate control, training evaluation, rest or training, hard or easy, short or long distance workouts are important topics. Here are some photos.
The World Cup qualifiers in West Yellowstone, December World Cup races in Canada and the Olympics are all at altitude. Some altitude preparation is therefore a must for most athletes.
A number of the best US skiers are currently staying in Park City at roughly 1900-2000 meter elevation and doing workouts in town or at lower elevation 25-30 minutes away at Soldier Hollow Olympic stadium (1600-1800 meter) , in Heber, Midway or down in the valley close to Salt Lake City utilizing Emigration Canyon, East Canyon or Lambs Canyon.
Skiers that want to live or train higher can easy do that by driving 10 minutes up from Park City toward Deer Valley. Lots of nice lodging options and plenty of high altitude trails.
The four first photos are from a hard “don’t hold much back†skate rollerski interval workout on October 11 at Soldier Hollow. Six-minute-long intervals were on the agenda.
The rollerski course was used, which means rolling terrain including 2-3 not long, but solid uphills and three downhills that makes most less-experienced rollerskiers take their skis off and walk down. The skiers in this workout were Lars Flora, Andrew Johnson, James Southam and Anders Haugen.