November 2005: Training Analysis of Top Juniors

FasterSkierNovember 29, 2005

Here is the November issue of the FasterSkier Club newslettter. These articles are sent to our club subscribers each month via email. To sign up, see the end of this article.


November, 2005
Volume 2
Issue 7

The Club!
This is the seventh issue of the 2005 season’s subscription service covering in-depth, modern and interesting issues in the sport of Cross-Country skiing. The subscription service runs from May through April. If you have signed up recently and not received the first six issues, please let us know so we can send them.

Please consider the articles purchased through the subscription service as copyright protected. Therefore, they should not be copied, forwarded, or linked to, without the express written permission of

The October 2005 issue
This month we have attached two articles:

1. Training Analysis of Five Elite Junior Cross Country Skiers.
A very good, interesting thesis by Per Ola Gasman who analyzes five very successful Norwegian junior skiers. The skiers are among the Worlds best juniors and the article (a summary of the thesis) looks at training hours, intensity, training proportions, testing and time-trials.

2 Principles of Training. Translation from the book “Endurance”. The principle in focus this time is recovery and looks at the need for recovery following different types of activities and training loads. These are must-know principles for athletes, coaches, or anyone wanting to optimize their training quality and push their limits.

Please feel free to provide us with comments on these articles, as well as offer suggestions for subjects you would like covered in the future.
Best regards,
Torbjorn Karlsen and John Aalberg

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