WebSkis.com looking for wax technician/sales rep

FasterSkierAugust 9, 2007

WebSkis.com, the US importer of SOLDA Ski Wax is looking for an experienced wax technician/sales representative to attend 10-15 events across the country this winter. You’ll need to go to West Yellowstone, the Birkie, Masters World Cup, and more. While you're there we'd like you to share your vast knowledge of SOLDA Ski Wax with everyone you meet. We expect you to be an experienced Nordic skier with a charming personality and good people and wax bench skills. If the thought of spending hours describing the ins and outs of fluorocarbons and hydrocarbons gets you all excited then you're somebody we want to hear from. We're hoping you're just as engaging when addressing a group of beginning skiers as you are when you're trading experiences with the pros.

Responsibilities will include giving wax clinics, posting wax recommendations for races, and spreading the word about SOLDA Wax. It doesn’t matter where you live, as long as you've got internet access and can make it to a lot of events.

Sounds like fun, right? Email a resume, or simply introduce yourself and your skills to kevin@webskis.com.


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