3:32pm Dark

FasterSkierNovember 9, 2008

Kiruna, Sweden.   One van heading for Muonio, Finland.   One waiting in Kiruna for late passengers and luggage – either or both of which could arrive between 6 and 28 hours from now.   Actually the luggage could be a week, you never know.   Small coffee shop that is empty except me (Pete).   Coffee cold.  Internet stolen and spotty.   Check back for updates from Northern Finland, Sweden from the World Cup crew and from Alexa Turzian, Leif Zimmermann and Noah Hoffman back home with the continental cup team.   It is dark out.   3:32pm all for now from Kiruna, Sweden.


Kiruna, Sweden.   One van heading for Muonio, Finland.   One waiting in Kiruna for late passengers and luggage – either or both of which could arrive between 6 and 28 hours from now.   Actually the luggage could be a week, you never know.   Small coffee shop that is empty except me (Pete).   Coffee cold.  Internet stolen and spotty.   Check back for updates from Northern Finland, Sweden from the World Cup crew and from Alexa Turzian, Leif Zimmermann and Noah Hoffman back home with the continental cup team.   It is dark out.   3:32pm all for now from Kiruna, Sweden.


Kiruna, Sweden.   One van heading for Muonio, Finland.   One waiting in Kiruna for late passengers and luggage – either or both of which could arrive between 6 and 28 hours from now.   Actually the luggage could be a week, you never know.   Small coffee shop that is empty except me (Pete).   Coffee cold.  Internet stolen and spotty.   Check back for updates from Northern Finland, Sweden from the World Cup crew and from Alexa Turzian, Leif Zimmermann and Noah Hoffman back home with the continental cup team.   It is dark out.   3:32pm all for now from Kiruna, Sweden.


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