Central College Regionals: One of my Worst Races and one of My Best

FasterSkierMarch 15, 2009

span style=”font-size:85%;”The first day of racing at College Regionals was one of my worst races in five years. I felt like I was all over the place, working hard and skiing slow. Although I only had one week to recover from the Birke I had felt recovered. I finished 16th over two minutes back. It sucked. The other CXC guys felt similar about their races. Although Bryan Cook was still in the top 3 he should have skied much faster./span pspan style=”font-size:85%;”I decided to analyze my race later and just relax and prepare for the next day. I hung out and ate lunch and focused on recovery. I went shopping for a new pair of jeans. Shopping isn’t my favorite thing to do, but I do enjoy a good deal and it was nice to get my mind off of racing. GoodWill even had a pair of 30×30 jeans which are surprizingly hard to find. Mom usually gets me a pair of pants for Christmas but recently they are always size 33 or 34 which are way too big. /span/p pspan style=”font-size:85%;”Day two was a 15km mass start skate race which is my favorite event. It was a new day. I skied conservatively and didn’t lead more than my share. I took a few short pulls but being nervous about the day before didn’t take many risks. The lead group skied a consistent pack and with 5km to go it was down to four of us. Jesse Lang, Santiago Ocariz, Bryan Cook and Myself./span/p pspan style=”font-size:85%;”Jesse led the final kilometers of the first lap and I felt bad because we were all just sitting in on him. Santi made a move to pass Jesse with 1.5km to go and with 750m to go I made my move, got a small gap and won. It was nice to be back in the game. Bryan Cook finished second and Santiago Ocariz was the top college skier./span/p pspan style=”font-size:85%;”The results are on the


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