Spring Time

FasterSkierApril 19, 2009

Sorry to have been away from the posting for a while. I got myself a twitter account, and while I can’t say I’ve been prolific, the little bit of muttering I’ve done has seemed to sap the energy I would normally devote to the blog. Or it could just be that I’m lazy.

Today was the second warm day of spring here in Bend, though with temps heading above 80 tomorrow, it might be less like spring and more like summer. In fact the whole week has been pretty nice, and I’ve been able to get out and enjoy it a little. I got in two days of Alpine skiing (trying hard to make the spring path worth the $129, I haven’t figured out what my goal should be in terms of runs or vertical, but since Bachelor let’s me track both, I figure a goal is in order… please offer suggestions in the comments), a short run (did my legs ever feel shaky after that one!) a crust ski on the Bachelor trails yesterday and a bike ride today. Pretty excellent really.

I think tomorrow I may try to re-acquaint myself with paddling in preparation of the upcoming multi-sport event that grips Bend with a wild fever. If anyone has or knows of a TT bike in town for me to borrow, I’m all ears.

Back to work this week, and I’ll do my best to stay active. Training starts up again for real in about 10 days, so it would be good to be ready. Just have to come up with a good plan for the year between now and then.


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