Danny and "the culprit" Montana
After running the Freestate 100k earlier this spring Lindsey and I made a stop in Iowa City for an event at Fin and Feather. After the event I got to do an interview for their “Fin and Feather Report” which is broadcast in Iowa their CBS affiliate Channel 2 and also via the web. The spot was just loaded to YouTube this afternoon and it turned out really good.
This was one of the last times that I remember being comfortable running before the knee issues started. That got me thinking, what did I do this spring that could have caused it? Then I remembered an incident that really could have started this whole thing.
Iowa City has one of the best dog parks that I have ever seen. Both of our pups (Yukon and Montana) are on a leash at all times when we’re not at home. We made a visit to the dog park to reward them for being so incredibly well behaved on our 3 week stint in the motorhome. Montana and I were playing extremely hard, running back and forth before she took me out at the knees and flipped me over on my head. It surprised both of us but I shook it off and never though of it again until I saw the video and it reminded me of the trip. The more I think of it, the more I’m sure that was my downfall. It’s a damn good thing that she’s cute!
Recovering is going well, but slow. I have been having some issues with my left calf but it’s getting better with the help of ice and a muscle relaxer. The calf actually is more painful than the knee.
Time for another dose of anti-hurt meds and off to la la land. I’ll post more on the recover soon.