
FasterSkierJune 20, 2009

I’ve seen this video a few times before but came across it again last night on Duncan Callahan’s website.  I needed this video to remind me what I have to look forward to on the other side of some massive rehab. I needed a little bit of motivation now that I am stuck holding the couch to the floor for a few days I found myself starting to get a little bummed out. It’s finally nice outside (it’s been cold and crappy all spring) and I really want to be on the trails and logging massive miles. The more time that I spend away from running, the more it confirms how much I really love to do it.  I could give up racing in a heartbeat if I had too but it would be a massive let down to give up my time playing on the trail. It’s fun, it’s what I love to do.

The knee is pretty sore today.  I remember from the last time I had knee surgery that the second day post op was the worst. Almost like after a hard workout or race, I’m always more sore two days out than the day after.  Lindsey has been taking fantastic care of me, keeping me hydrated, fed and keeping my cooler full of ice to keep the swelling down.

My post-op appointment is on July 1st. At that point I should get the ok to start running in the pool. Last time I went through rehab this was the key to success. I came out of the pool in better total body shape than when I went into it and I was able to do everything from easy distance and intervals to sprints and over distance.  I’ll write more about deep water running once I get to that point.

Fortitudine Vincimus…By endurance we conquer…


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