week 1 in Park City

FasterSkierJune 22, 2009

The first week of training up here in Park City has been going great. 

I’ve had the Physical Therapists with the U.S. Ski Team look at my legs to make sure they have been healing correctly, and that I am getting back into my training without causing any more damage.  The PTs are very happy with the recovery of my legs, and with just some extra stretching and massages they should be better than ever!  I’ve also been able to make use of the pool in the new Center Of Excellence.  The other day I did a run on a treadmill under the water and also some plyometric exercises in the pool.  It was awesome!!! 

Even though it has been pretty chilly and raining almost every day here (weird for Utah) the rollerkiing workouts have been great.  I’ve been able to have a coach (sometimes 3 coaches) work with me on my technique during each workout, and I feel like its paying off.  I’m feeling stronger and more efficient than ever before. 

Also last week, my roommates for the next month moved in.  I’m living with Jessie Diggins (going into her senior year of high school in Stillwater, Minnesota) and Monica Markvardsen (going to be a freshman at NMU next fall).  Both of them are very motivated and excited about skiing, and they love learning everything they can about the lifestyle of being a cross country ski racer.  So I’m trying to be the best role model that I can be for them!!!


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