Sun at Last!

FasterSkierJuly 26, 2009

I just finished up my first week of a training of my three-week training block.  I was back to Jericho for a few days in the beginning of the week to get a little more time training on the loop over there. When I’m in Jericho, my training is really ski-specific so that I can take advantage of the awesome roller loop.  I lucked out and had really nice weather over there and had a great few days of training.  I also want to give a big thanks to Sarah Lehto and Travis Voyer for helping me out in Jericho.  These guys helped me out with everything from scoping shots to taking lactates, which made for some high quality training sessions.

After Jericho, I returned to Lake Placid for the remainder of the week.  It seems summer finally started to arrive in Lake Placid and I managed a whole week of training sessions without getting rained on.  Some of you reading this might think that’s normal, but this summer I have had way more workouts in the rain than without.  Normally the weather doesn’t really bother me, but this summer has been different… I was starting to get seriously tired of drying out my boots, cleaning my bikes and rifle after every training session.  Hopefully the monsoon season has moved on and I can enjoy my last 2.5 weeks here with normal summer weather!

Like every Sunday, I am enjoying the day off today, but it feels even a little more special today because the Ironman Triathlon is going on.  Something about watching people suffer through a 15 hour race makes me really appreciate my off time!
