In this fast paced world sleep is the first thing to go. Especially in my world. With all the demands on my time, sleep is the first casualty. As a surgical intern in a time before an 80 hour week work restriction. There where some weeks where I slept around 15 – 20 hours a week. One really does not understand what is to be tired until you have done this. You can actually function quite well like that when your adrenaline is jacked up. Driving home after a 40 hour day was another story. divI read about younger athletes who want to do it all. Work, school, social etc. there is much pressure in the world to succeed. I can recall many people telling I was wasting my life training to go to the Olympics. Right now some of those people are going into retirement and spending a lot of time training and racing. Go Figure. /divdivThose athletes should concentrate on getting results while they can. There is no point in being mediocre in everything. /divdivWhat happens when you sleep?/divdivIn animal studies and some reports about tortured people the result of severe sleep deprivation is ultimately death!! That is BAD!!/divdivEventually the organism with severe sleep deprivation undergoes complete organ failure. From the studies once temperature dysregulation occurs the process is irreversible. /divdivWhat is sleep? It is complex but it is when you are not awake with 4 stages. Slowing of the brain waves and an awake like EEG REM sleep. /divdivAnesthesia state is not sleep. Sorry Michael Jackson Diprivan is not a real cure for insomnia. Whomever prescribed that for him is basically not smart. /divdivSo Sleep is needed for life. /divdivWhile you are sleeping your body produces Human Growth Hormone, recharges the immune system. When you are sleep deprived your immune system also gets depressed. It probably is a function of your brain resting during the slow wave period and letting some inhibitory brain wave also going to sleep and letting your pituitary get to work.(just supposition)/divdivSO you do not need shots of HGH you just need to sleep./divdivPeople need 8-10 hours of sleep a day. Interesting enough a sleep deficit can be repaid in one good night sleep. Probably does not restore all recovery lost during the way. /divdivThose athletes who could take a nap to add to there recovery and do not????/divdivI wish I could./divdivyes there are many studies that show decreased performance with lack of sleep from just one night. Unfortunately in order to get to some races I have to work overnight or travel at the expense of rest in order to to get to the race. But on the flip side if I did not do that I wouldn’t get to contest the race at all./divdivGo get some sleep, do not feel guilty taking a nap./divdiv /divdivSLEEP DEPRIVATION SEVERE/divdiv*BEING TIRED/divdiv*LESS EFFICIENT/divdiv*INCREASED METABOLISM/divdiv*IMMUNE SYSTEM SUPPRESSION/divdiv*DEPRESSION TO PSYCHOSIS/divdiv*INCREASED INCIDENCE FIBROMYALGIA/divdiv*DECREASED PERFORMANCE/divdiv*DECREASED HGH/divdivbr //divdivALL THIS ADDS UP TO BEING FLAT AND NOT PERFORMING WELL/divdivbr //divdivbr //divdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’//div