Living With The Enemy

FasterSkierAugust 31, 2009

div style=”text-align: center;”Jacked Up Old Man on the Punisher/diva onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 300px;” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5376570892676345570″ //abr /Man is mankind’s own worst enemy. Just as my worst enemy is well known to many, unknown to most,hated by everyone, and loved by all.divLiving with the enemy. He is Moody and nothing is ever good enough. I believe him to be frustrated maybe even emotionally and mentally tortured and vicariously living out his dreams and aspirations through me./divdivEvery waking moment I can recall I live in fear and trepidation of what he will to me next. Over the years I have learned to overcome and all hurdles and trials that are thrown at me. What seems simple is not./divdivSleeping with the enemy. That never happens due to the enemy never sleeping. He plans, schemes, waits, recovers, rebuilds but never ever think that he is sleeping. The Enemy does not realize that humans need sleep to rebuild and recover./divdivTraining with the enemy is always a challenge he keeps no schedule is always enduring some punishment. Especially from the Punisher where truth is absolute. Am sent out to suffer at all times of days and night. Am sent out to the Institute to be tortured on the Punisher, am sent to far lands to be Punished by the Punisher of the Day. Nothing is ever good enough for the Enemy. Failure is never the Enemies fault. Failure is by default all blamed on me. The Enemy sends me out to train till failure. This can be detrimental the point of failure. The point of training is to get better not worse. is to go fast and get results not train the most. The enemy sends me to War without proper preparation. For example he gives me one to weeks to compress a years shooting in and then admonishes me when the shooting is slow and sub par. He makes me work all night then travel to races then wonders why I do not perform??/divdivbr //divdivEating with the enemy is never constant. The diet of the Week changes for no good reasons. Am made to eat all different concoctions. Currently it is the Superfood diet, but that is subject to change. Sometimes am starved by him. he is concerned with my power to weight ratio to stupidity. It is frustrating to no end dealing with the enemy on even a weekly basis imagine on a second by second basis. Scary./divdivbr //divdivThe Enemy lets one gives in to weaknesses, allows one to justify and reason that you should be reasonable and tolerant, especially with one’s self. Causes you to overindulge with food. Lets you rest when you should be working and causes you to work hard when you should be resting. Sends you to work when you should be training./divdivbr //divdivRacing with the enemy is painful. Go out hard, suffer then pick it up. Death or the end of the race is the only deliverance from his torture./divdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’ alt=” //div


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