MOD Does Olympic Venue, Pt. 1

FasterSkierAugust 4, 2009

The past few days we have been up in Squamish, B.C. and in the Callaghan Valley, the site of the 2010 Olympic cross-country ski races. This week is our first MOD-exclusive training camp and so far it has been very successful. We’ve been lucky enough to be hosted by Chris Bishop and Kate Drew in their Squamish home which has provided us with great in-and-out access to training locales. The Callaghan Valley is accessed off of the road up to Whistler and it’s entrance road is 10km of beautiful uphill rolling pavement, perfect for our interval sessions like this morning’s. divbr //divdiv style=”text-align: center;”object width=”320″ height=”266″ class=”BLOG_video_class” id=”BLOG_video-7815c371da2fcf8b” classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ codebase=”,0,40,0″param name=”movie” value=”;nogvlm=1amp;;”param name=”bgcolor” value=”#FFFFFF”embed width=”320″ height=”266″ src=”;nogvlm=1amp;;” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”/embed/object/divdiv style=”text-align: center;”divbr //divdiv style=”text-align: left;”After this morning’s workout we took long afternoon naps and then went to Club Flex to pump some iron. Apparently Club Flex caters to the “still-living-in-the-80s” demographic of Squamish, as we were mixed in amongst aging and balding (and rather portly) dudes straining to lift weights they clearly were more comfortable with 20 years ago, all the while listening to some drab post-disco crap on the stereo. Regardless, we finished our workout and after a quick stop back at the house for snacks went up to the Smoke Bluffs in the center of town for some cragging. Squamish is home to some of the best granite climbing in the world and a few routes serve as a great recovery session before dinner. Up later this week: more intervals, a few more sessions on the paved 5K of Olympic courses, speed skating in the oval at Vancouver and more!/div/divdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’ alt=” //div


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