a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PPMeqZXka1Y/Sq3BNsBXkdI/AAAAAAAAAps/08XS6tsT6f8/s1600-h/IMG_1572.JPG”img style=”margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; cursor: pointer; width: 180px; height: 200px;” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PPMeqZXka1Y/Sq3BNsBXkdI/AAAAAAAAAps/08XS6tsT6f8/s200/IMG_1572.JPG” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5381169570676969938″ border=”0″ //aBorn to run, a claim that I would not make about myself (although I do enjoy it). I have always thought of myself as a Big Dog (a don’t jump out of the truck, take it easy on the pavement sort of deal). Over the years, my ipod, new shoes and good friends have helped with motivation on long runs until now… p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”After reading Christopher McDougall’s iBorn to Run/ispan style=”font-style: normal;”, I don’t know that I need them anymore.span style=”” /spanMy last run was solo, without music, sans shoes and effortless.span style=”” /spanThe shoeless part was only 10 minutes out of 90 but regardless; I have a new take on putting one foot in front of the other./span/p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”I usually prefer to relax with historical novels or straight up fantasy; leaving the training, nutrition and competition topics to real life.span style=”” /spanThat said, this book covers all of the topics that I usually shy from AND, I loved it, recommend it and am writing about it.span style=”” /spanTranslation: read it./p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”Christopher McDougall, a middle-aged guy trying to lose a few pounds by running a few miles each day, wondered why he kept getting injured. He went past drug cartel, into the canyons of Mexico in search of the secrets of the Raramuri tribe to find out./p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”Even if you are not a runner, this book speaks about the passion of doing something you love – about finding balance and having conviction.span style=”” /spanIn fewer than 300 pages, this book had me (a self-motivated, lover of running and health conscious athlete) rethinking my nutrition, athletic equipment and gave me a mental overhaul.span style=”” /spanIf nothing else, it is nice to hear another side of a much-discussed topic – running injuries./p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”As an aside I would like to note that iBorn to Run/ispan style=”font-style: normal;” is my 7supth/sup book completed since summer. It puts me exactly 6 books ahead of Simi, my roommate and competition in our reading club (and by club, I mean race).span style=”” /spanMore to come on THAT in the future, I am sure.o:p/o:p/span/pdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/4299718529371785873-1999582697895858444?l=in-the-arena-kate.blogspot.com’ alt=” //div