
Kate WhitcombSeptember 25, 2009

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PPMeqZXka1Y/Sr4Si1n3CbI/AAAAAAAAAp8/wCvmHao4wsM/s1600-h/images.jpg”img style=”margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; cursor: pointer; width: 126px; height: 111px;” src=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PPMeqZXka1Y/Sr4Si1n3CbI/AAAAAAAAAp8/wCvmHao4wsM/s200/images.jpg” alt=”” id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5385762594100808114″ border=”0″ //aAs a female, endurance athlete living at altitude, I have three strikes against me when it comes to Ferritin.span style=”” /spanA ferritin score indicates iron storage in the body.span style=”” /spanA normal range for Ferritin is between 8 and 250. For a healthy female athlete, I have been told I should shoot for 65 (20 being the ABSOLUTE lowest). p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”Iron is important because it is responsible for getting oxygen to my muscles and also for cell growth.span style=”” /spanA week ago, my Ferritin was at 11.span style=”” /spanTranslation = I failed the test miserably!span style=”” /span/p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”I have blood work done at least once each year to keep me honest on just this sort of thing.span style=”” /spanWith two months until the first races I won’t lie – this slip is not good.span style=”” /spanIt makes me weak in my training and slow with recovery.span style=”” /spanI do have time, however to make amends.span style=”” /span/p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”Liver and onions, who knew that something so nasty looking, sounding and smelling could be half good.span style=”” /spanOkay, not quite half-good, but I will give it an honest 38% good.span style=”” /spanLiver is on the top of the list of iron-rich foods, lucky me.span style=”” /spanOysters and beef round out the top three Heme (from animals) iron options.span style=”” /spanSoybeans, lentils and molasses are some of the highest Nonheme (from plant) choices.span style=”” /span/p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”Of course it is never as simple as just eating a steak – Iron bonds to Calcium, which inhibits the body from absorbing either element.span style=”” /spanThere goes my refreshing glass of milk after dinner!span style=”” /spanRed wine contains tannins, which also decrease absorption (so that glass of red wine with red meat needs to be rethought too).span style=”” /spanThings like vitamin C and white wine help the body absorb iron but lets be honest, a glass of OJ just doesn’t cut it with steak!/p p class=”MsoNormal”!–[if !supportEmptyParas]– !–[endif]–o:p/o:p/p p class=”MsoNormal”I am at sea level this month, which will help me boost my Ferritin too (I hope).span style=”” /spanI will get re-tested upon my return home (October 15supth/sup).span style=”” /spanResults from that to come – you can hardly stand the suspense, I know./p !–EndFragment–br /Thanks for reading,br /Katediv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/4299718529371785873-7068164315691154509?l=in-the-arena-kate.blogspot.com’ alt=” //div

Kate Whitcomb

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