Photos by Zack Simons::Fall Training

Johnny KlisterOctober 1, 2009

pOccasionally, we get a glimpse from the outside.  These photos work that way.  By themselves, they’re another bit of glossy active porn, unremarkable in their remarkable beauty.  However, these shots aren’t selling anything, they aren’t ad laden or cropped next to a photo of a flexing Lance Armstrong.  There’s no hidden agenda.   They were taken by a skier.  Simons has caught training in Utah, an amazingly beautiful place, and held that minute long enough for the rest of us to realize that what we do is a big deal.  Simons is talented (like his fellow skier photogs, Vordie Bowen) and he captures one of those minutes that would otherwise pass by unseen, a helluva nice morning bike ride.  As a skier, we expect days like this when other folks plan and scrape and pay dearly for them.  That’s a big deal./p

Johnny Klister

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