APU dudes deep in the skis.  (reblogged from the APU blog)  The…

Johnny KlisterNovember 16, 2009

img src=”http://9.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kt7vlsrlnb1qzt3xbo1_400.jpg”/br/br/pAPU dudes deep in the skis.  (reblogged from the APU blog)  The part that was missed in the ski-test-love-fest in the blog post were some of the details that make the APU peeps consistently fast:  in addition to the rest of the accolades of their program, they have a room that is dedicated specifically to skis.  Too few programs have legit homes for their skis.  Notice the beefy bench and wax fume vacuum above it.  Not many style points for the Swix poster but regardless, you have to love this room because it demands that the skis be more than an afterthought.  Nicely done, APU./p

Johnny Klister

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