New from SOLDA

FasterSkierNovember 22, 2009

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 268px; height: 226px;” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”” //abr /br /br /What’s New from SOLDAbr /br /Just like ski companies, wax companies find themselves in a very competitive business. It is not enough to simply produce a product that enables skis to glide well when other producers are working to improve products and help skis go even faster. Since 1934 SOLDA has been a leader and innovator in the production of superior ski wax. This year is no different especially with the Olympic Winter Games in 2010 in Vancouver, BC. br /br /Our customers also want to know what is new at SOLDA, so this summer the owner of WebSkis went to Italy to find out. Here is some of what we learned from the good people in Monte Belluna who make the wax we use and sell. br /br /The highest level of fluorination is found in F40 Special. This wax comes in F40 Special Green, F40 Special Violet and F40 Special Red. When will we see F40 yellow? The chemists have been able to successfully bond the same fluorocarbon compound from HP05 and HP06 with the Green, Violet and Red F40 waxes. The combination of F40 Red and Fluor 100 has proven to be more difficult to make a hybrid hard wax that will give the same superior gliding properties as the technician application of F40 Red and then using the Fluor 100 powder or spray. Luciano has set this as a goal for the near future. For now in warm temps (snow -2/-6, air +2/-2) and plenty of available moisture, use F40 Red and finish with Fluor 100. br /br /SOLDA has a new wax that has tested very well against other waxes in conditions found at the Olympic venues. In testing in Europe and Canada with conditions of 50%-100% humidity and snow temps 0/-9C this wax has proven superior to any other wax tested. The staff at SOLDA continues to test this in different snow conditions. It should be available next year. SOLDA will not release the wax until they are absolutely sure it is what they want to carry the SOLDA name. Watch for some very fast skis for the Italians and other national teams that get a chance to use this wax. We should have it next year. br /br /A fluor Gel is being tested and used with success in some conditions. Look for this in the next year. I have a little sample I will be trying this year. br /br /a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=””img style=”float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 150px; height: 85px;” src=”” border=”0″ alt=”” //abr /br /In the training wax line SOLDA has added a Performance Green to the highly successful Performance Red and Performance Yellow. These are economically priced low-fluor training waxes. The Green is a hard wax for cold training conditions. In prepping skis for a cold snow race with low to medium humidity, this would be a good choice as a first layer followed by F15 Blue and the appropriate finish of F30, or F32 or F40 Green and HP06 if it is more humid. br /br /Some have asked about the plastic in the Marathon Water Belts and if it is BPA free. Luciano says, yes. This plastic should pose no health issues. br /br /If you are headed to the West Yellowstone Ski Festival I will be there with my SOLDA Wax table and hopefully answers to your questions. br /br /Hope to see you, and have a good /br /Bertdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’ alt=” //div


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