School Visits in Hastings!

FasterSkierNovember 11, 2009

I arrived in Park City, Utah this evening… its time for me to get acclimated to the altitude before we start our race season really soon!!!!

During my last week in Hastings I had the oppurtunity to visit some schools, and talk about what I do for a living (how cool is that)????
Hopefully I inspired some of the Hastings youth to chase their dreams!!!



questions from the kindergarteners at Tilden

questions from the kindergarteners at Tilden

1st thru 5th graders at the SEAS school

1st thru 5th graders at the SEAS school

this young man cut out my picture in the local paper and had me sign it.  how cute is that?!?!

this young man cut out my picture in the local paper and had me sign it. how cute is that?!?!


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