Another one in the books. Solid skate race this morning. Tried to start conservative and pick it up towards the finish. Paced and raced exactly like I wanted and I’m very happy with the race. Congrats to Leif on his win in classic Zimmermann style, laying down the hammer in the final kilometers. Also great to have Hoff up there for an All-American podium. Fish prepped some great skate skis for us again today and the training plan he’s written for us is paying off. We had 3 CXC men in the top six, with Liebsch and Gregg taking 5th and 6th respectively. It was awesome to hear all the spectators out on the course. I’m pretty sure there was a corner with all Midwesterners that got me fired up ripping around the course.
Skis are prepped and ready for the 10km classic tomorrow. After a lot of work on classic technique this summer, I’m looking forward to finally testing my skills in a distance race.

photo: swix sport
Maybe someday the SuperTour will get podium girls for the yellow jersey!

The reason Americans are faster cyclists than skiers.