350 Vigil and Potluck

FasterSkierDecember 12, 2009

Last night we hosted a 350 candlelight vigil on the Common and a potluck in the Sterling dining hall. 350 put out the call a couple weeks ago for people to organize vigils in order to call attention to the Copenhagen climate conferences and to show our politicians that we need them to take swift and strong action to stop (and hopefully reverse) climate change. The only big hiccup in the event was that the Common got pounded by heavy winds and none of the candles (even those in glass jars) would stay lit. But there were still 20 or so people that came out and braved the cold, windy night to join in the vigil. We quickly snapped some photos and then headed into the potluck. Sterling kindly contributed plenty of delicious squash soup, bread, and salad for everyone. After everyone sat down to eat, I (somewhat nervously) stood up to say a few words about why we were gathered. I chose to read an excerpt from an editorial that was printed in the London Guardian and 56 other newspapers around the world on Monday December 7. There was also a reporter from the Hardwick Gazette present asking lots of questions and taking photos. Hopefully there will be an article in the paper so even more people will learn about why we gathered!

The cool drawing Hannah made for the event poster.

The cool drawing Hannah made for the event poster.

As you can see, there were some shining headlamps...but no candles. Too windy!

As you can see, there were some shining headlamps…but no candles. Too windy!

Community members chatting after dinner.

Community members chatting after dinner.

Vigil 3

Some familiar Craftsbury faces!

Some familiar Craftsbury faces!

Chelsea showing off all the signatures we got for our letters to Senators Sanders and Leahy and Congressman Welch.

Chelsea showing off all the signatures we got for our letters to Senators Sanders and Leahy and Congressman Welch.

I think the event was a big success. We are working on a lot of great environmental initiatives here at the Center, but I feel particularly good when I’m doing work in the larger community. Going to events, and particularly organizing one, in the town of Craftsbury make me really happy to live in a place where people are engaged and involved. I was pretty disappointed to miss the Vermont version of the Day of Action on October 24 (we were in Tahoe), so it was great to have a chance to organize a 350 event at home. Getting involved in the action/political side of things has made me think a lot about potential post-ski racing career paths…hmmm….

Thanks to everyone that helped make the event happen and to those that participated. And a wicked big thanks goes to Anna and Chelsea for all the work they did!!

The action report and photos on 350.org can be found here.


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