
FasterSkierDecember 4, 2009

After two weeks in West Yellowstone it was time to move on to the next stop on the racing schedule. So after the hour and a half drive we arrived in Bozeman to blue skies and temperatures barely above 10. After unpacking the van we scraped a pair of skis and headed up to Bohart Ranch to check out the classic course for Sunday’s race. I haven’t raced at Bohart for a few years but it was just as fun and hard as I remembered.

This morning we skied at Lindley Park where the skate sprints will be held tomorrow. It was an awesome course with fast downhills and a couple of wicked corners. It will make for a sweet race course. I did a few short intervals that felt fast and I’m looking forward to racing tomorrow.

The next few days will go by really fast because if the two races. From here I will fly up up to Silver Star on Tuesday with races the following weekend. Check back for pictures and more updates!


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