Little Shooters Take Nationals

ianharveyDecember 10, 2009

Toko Tech Team child celebrities Tabor and Tyler Scholl (these would be quick draw shooters as compared to the cannon Shawn Scholl) just won the AAU National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships, Disney World, Orlando, FL. Reportedly, Tyler tried to grab a snow cone out of Mickey Mouse’s hand after putting the hurt on the pack and gaining a lead, but Mickey fought him off and almost ruined the day for him. Thankfully, no cartoon mice were hurt just a bunch of 9 and 10 year old boys.

Tabor took first in the 11-12 year old girl field of 174 particpants. Results here

Tyler, obviously not to be outdone by his older sister won his race (8-9 year old boys) which had a field of 127. Tyler still has another year in this age group which must have him licking his chops. I wouldn’t be surprised if no one shows up next year. Results here

I was just kidding about the snow cone thing, but the rest of the news is true. Big congrats to the entire Shooter family!


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