div align=”center”br //divdiv align=”left”Before Sverre gets in here with an update to what sounds like a very good day for the U23 Team in Germany, I want to post a few pics and words from the race our FAST Week kids had on Sunday at Grafton Ponds.br /br //divimg id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5431111261033546546″ style=”DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 212px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” alt=”” src=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LmkUlveu30Q/S18u6qmHQzI/AAAAAAAAAEk/Ljy0f9PVrVY/s320/Raili.jpg” border=”0″ / p align=”center”span style=”color:#ffffff;”span style=”color:#cccccc;”Raili bringing it on in./spanbr //spanbr //pimg id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5431111526524380418″ style=”DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 212px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” alt=”” src=”http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LmkUlveu30Q/S18vKHoD5QI/AAAAAAAAAEs/VHqqTg8tQMo/s320/KatherineMacK.jpg” border=”0″ / p align=”center”span style=”color:#cccccc;”Katherine on the left and MacKenzie on the right. /spanspan style=”color:#cccccc;”Don’t let the smiles fool you. These two girls are fast, and all business out there on the course.br //spanbr //pimg id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5431111865556709714″ style=”DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 212px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” alt=”” src=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LmkUlveu30Q/S18vd2nqsVI/AAAAAAAAAE0/yDtDnaImCYw/s320/Brooke.jpg” border=”0″ / p align=”center”Brooke, our current BKL’er on the SMS Team, looking even taller as she heads over the whoopdey-doos at the end of the course.br /br //pimg id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5431112271740815250″ style=”DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 212px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” alt=”” src=”http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LmkUlveu30Q/S18v1fxgR5I/AAAAAAAAAE8/b2FAYqh7248/s320/Scott+360.jpg” border=”0″ / p align=”center”And the youngest Mooney, Scott, playing around on the bumps. This shot was after the race, BUT he also pulled this maneuver emduring/em the race.br /br //pimg id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5431112629909424770″ style=”DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 212px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” alt=”” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LmkUlveu30Q/S18wKWDjioI/AAAAAAAAAFE/Hh_r2JNeMz8/s320/Koby.jpg” border=”0″ / p align=”center”Koby with his blue ribbon. Koby was clearly a force to be reckoned with out there on the course today. He was very impressive. Very well done. /pimg id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5431115831580172994″ style=”DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 320px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 212px; TEXT-ALIGN: center” alt=”” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_LmkUlveu30Q/S18zEtNWIsI/AAAAAAAAAFU/UaO1E7KEYTM/s320/Group+shot.jpg” border=”0″ / p align=”left”And very well done to all of the kids who came and were a part of our team this week! Keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing you on the trails and at the BKL Festival.br /br //pdiv class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/4680416899705879324-7679016020046055040?l=smsxc.blogspot.com’ alt=” //div