FasterSkierJanuary 27, 2010

sorry about the lack of updates lately… my computer decided it was time to die and it now needs a new hard drive. So I have been computer-less for the last several days. And it looks like I will be for a little while longer also.
Anyways, last weekend the super tour races were in Minneapolis, and I got to do some races right on my home turf! And it as it turned out the turf got pretty wet over the weekend!
Saturday’s race was a 5km skate race… and with the slick conditions my lower legs were giving me problems. They have been starting to bother me lately, and the squirrely and unstable snow just made it much worse. I felt good for the first 2 kilometers, but the last 3 were killing my legs and it made it impossible to use them powerfully.
The next morning was the 10 kilometer mass start classic. My legs were pretty sore and worked from the day before, but classic skiing is quite a bit easier on my legs. It was warm, and the course was a combination of ice, water, and mud… and the mass start was CRAZY. I managed to scoot around the outside of the madness and settle into the lead pack of Rebecca Dussalt and Maria Stuber for the first lap… but my legs were searing with pain (they were still angry at me from the day before, and even classic skiing in such unstable conditions were causing some problems). So the next lap I tried to stretch my legs as best I could on every downhill (not the fastest tuck ever, but it seemed to help to get some stretching in). I didn’t give up. I just kept pushing, and ended up taking 6th place.

A big thank you goes out to Bryan Fish and the CXC team for helping me wax my skis!!!!

Up next: Super Tour races in Telemark, Wisconsin this weekend!!! (I will be racing the 5km classic race on Saturday%2


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