What to do while you’re waiting for the phone to ring…

FasterSkierJanuary 14, 2010

Since the last USSA points list came out I am breathing a little easier. I’m ranked 4th and assuming that 4 guys will be named if not more things are looking promising. Even when you think that things are looking in your favor, if you are anywhere near the bubble, the week between the last races and the naming of the championship team is one of the longest weeks of an athletes life. So what to do with myself… 

I have been trying to recover. Last week took way more out of me than I was expecting. Mentally more than anything last week was stressful. The emotional lows and highs were quite severe. To end it on a high note and know that I did more than I could have hoped for on my final day left me feeling like a content bowl of oatmeal. Mush. I did nothing related to skiing for two days, just relaxed with the family and enjoying the good times. Then it was time to go back to work and start skiing again. It took until Wednesday to start feeling a little more normal and now it is time to start training for real. I am going ahead and preparing like I am going and will be hitting the training hard starting tomorrow. Doing the prep work while I anxiously await Tuesday… 

A few pics from last week…


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