Leaving Canmore

FasterSkierFebruary 8, 2010


This past weekend were the final races before the Olympics. World Cup 15k skate and classic sprint races in Canmore. Perfect conditions and an amazing setting. I was hoping for a better result than I had (35th) but it was not to be. At Nationals I was way too nervous and started out too fast, fading in the later half of the race. My plan for Friday was to be more relaxed and ski my way into the race. Turned out I was a little to relaxed. After my warm up and once I had made my way through ski marking I had a few minutes to wait before starting. Others were nervously getting their warm ups off and running, jumping and stretching. I sat on the retaining wall and watched them. I started conservatively and never managed to pick up the pace as I had planned. I think the speed was conservative given that I have done my prep work at sea level to be ready for the faster skiing in Whistler, but my body wasn’t ready for that speed at altitude and it was just too much… Days that that are frustrating when they happen but they can teach you a lot. Among other things I relearned that I need that nervous tension to perform. I don’t think it will be a problem to get that next week at the Olympics. 


The Olympic team is all together now at the Paintbox Lodge in Canmore before we head to Vancouver tomorrow to get “processed” and make our way to the Village on Wednesday. It has been good to get back around the crew and get in a few relaxed days of training before things get crazy. Until then…



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