Starting Off on the Right Foot

February 14, 2010

One race down, and I couldn’t have asked for a much better start. One penalty, 45th place, qualified for the pursuit and top American! I’d say that’s a pretty successful way to start off the Olympics. While I feel there are things I could improve in the race, I am happy with the outcome, and excited to race the pursuit on Tuesday. I haven’t done a pursuit at this level before, so it should be an interesting and fun /br /The highlight of yesterday’s race has to be the crowd. When I started, there was an uproar of cheering from the crowd. My first thought was, “Did some German just shoot clean or something?” but then I realized, no, the cheering was for ME! Being used to pretending other people’s cheers are actually for you (a necessary tool when cheering in Europe happens mostly for Europeans), it was amazing to have all the cheers really be for me. I almost smiled, and had to re-focus myself back into race mode as I left the stadium. It was an amazing experience, one I will never forget. I think it’s finally hit me…I am at the Olympics!!!div class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’’ alt=” //div

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