Yeah, we know we have been carbo loading and our training was planned for us to peak yesterday, but things did not goes as we planned. Here are the ten reasons why – David Letterman style:
10) Our logo was too big and the IOC issued a 12 hour blackout as a penalty.
9) NBC thought that we were in competition with their figure skating coverage and decided to whack our IT support, Tonya Harding-style.
8 ) Patrick Stinson actually got tired and was no longer able to pedal the bike that generates the power for our servers.
7) The transfer of data was held up at one of the many security checkpoints. Security personnel couldn’t decide if it was a potentially dangerous gel, or even contraband PB+J.
6) Our bandwidth was pulled after Nat was caught throwing snowballs at FIS Race Director Jurg Capol.
5) The possible combinations of structure and wax for the sharp crystals of the snow falling at temperatures near freezing on top of the granular snow that existed on the trails was too difficult for our computers to handle. These computations are better off left for Zach Caldwell.
4) Like all of the great live racing video that exists on websites from every other country in the world, the IOC and NBC decided to place geo targeted restrictions on our content. For some hours yesterday, FasterSkier was only available in Azerbaijan.
3) While going through post-race drug testing the FS team was thought to be noncompliant until Nat was able to convince the IOC controllers that he was just hopped up on way too much coffee and hot chocolate and Olympic buzz.
2) Dario Cologna didn’t want anyone to know that he was late for ski testing. Yes, he definitely reads FasterSkier.
1) Like Petter Northug, we too decided to take a vacation during the Olympics.

February 16, 2010 at 4:11 pm
Excellent Top 10, guys!
February 16, 2010 at 10:29 pm
I’ll take a few minutes of downtime in exchange for all the great coverage – and self-deprecating stuff like this.