15km Freestyle (Handicap Start)

BrianMarch 22, 2010

Saturday: 50F and Sunny, Sunday: 6″ fresh snow

Sunday couldn’t have been more different than Saturday.  It snowed really hard most of the morning and the groomers were running laps all the way up to the start of the race.

Handicap start meant that racers started based on there finishes in the prior 3 races.  My handicap was pretty big (+7:10), but I was able to start in a wave of skiers at +5 minutes.  I felt good and was able to catch several other skiers.  It was fun to ski in a pack and a great way to finish off my first European World Cup tour.

It has been a bit of a blur after the races.  Packing things up and flying to Maine for the 50km National Championships and Super Tour Finals.  I am feeling good and want to race the 50km on Wednesday but I will make the call after the travel is complete.  (Layover in ORD right now)

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