First ROLLERSKI of the season.

nateMarch 21, 2010

I have to admit that I have already been out on the rollerskis this spring. Gross. And its not that I don’t like rollerskiing. In fact I think most of the time it is at least as enjoyable as skiing on snow (especially compared to all the time spent skiing at -15 degrees), which is good considering the ski season only lasts 3 months (4 if we’re lucky). But I usually don’t break out the rollerskis for a couple more weeks. Technically I didn’t break out emmy/em rollerskis yet, but on Friday morning Nichole and I were up at my parents’ house and she had a 13 mile run planned. I wanted to come along, but my legs were really feeling the previous 6 days running (after no running the previous month). My knees can take only so much pounding, and they were telling me that this should not be running day #7. Fortunately my dad has the same size feet, and after a little scrounging I found some old combi boots, a pair of poles, and the Marwes. Soon we were off, and I double-poled and single-sticked along while Nichole ran with the dog. Nice and easy. It was probably not such a bad thing training-wise -the reason I stay off the rollerskis for a month or so after the ski season is more for the mental break than anything physical, and this rollerski was very relaxing. It was a preview of the next 8 /br /Side note: Ski racing season is not finished on the world cup. How would you like to be the


Former collegiate skier at GAC. Currently a dentist in MN who can still win a few local races if the CXC guys don't show up.

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