Kate WhitcombApril 12, 2010

There is still some great skiing to be had, here in Ketchum, Idaho! Hawaiian Nationals concluded the Sun Valley telemark series this weekend and the gang sent one of our finest back to work.

When you play as hard as people in this valley do, you either need to rely on multiple jobs or else have a fund of sorts. My buddies and I belong to that first group of workers and we play as hard as the next, if not harder… but work has its place too.

The gang takes a breather at Roundhouse, Bald Mtn.

I just dropped Kent at the airport, who played with us all winter long. He chooses to separate his work from play. Being part of Union 237 Boilermakers, Kent is about to start 8 weeks of 7-12s. Yeah, that is 12 hours/day, 7 days/week… for 56 days! Yikes.

Get it done Kent and then get back here to play!

Kent, Mike & Brian: recreating after recreation

I am one of the few who has been lucky enough to have a job that duels as play, and work is about to begin again. Although there is snow in the mountains, the bike paths are cleared to roll and the single track will be close behind. I am getting my personal trainers certification this spring, studying German and staying focused on living it up, every single day. I hope you guys are doing the same!

Kate and the boys: another great day in the mountains!

Kate Whitcomb

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