2010 Season Wrap Up

Sverre CaldwellMay 5, 2010

a onblur=”try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}” href=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H2SCM3lmKm8/S-G4G4kXMFI/AAAAAAAACxE/gHrYnBMzM3Q/s1600/IMG_1569.JPG”img style=”display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 400px; height: 300px;” src=”http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H2SCM3lmKm8/S-G4G4kXMFI/AAAAAAAACxE/gHrYnBMzM3Q/s400/IMG_1569.JPG” border=”0″ alt=””id=”BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5467853851008118866″ //abr /SMS continued our strong XC tradition with an excellent team this year. Good news started during the fall when our girl’s team finished 2nd overall in the VT state XC running Championships. By Christmas, all 5 seniors had been accepted at every college that they applied to (Dartmouth, Middlebury, UVM, UNH, CU, DU, Utah). Everyone was happy and focused even before the great ski results started rolling in.br /br /Here are some highlights:br /br /• We extended our streaks to 14 straight years with at least 1 Jr. National Champion and at least 1 World Jr. Team member.br /• Our girl’s team won the Roger Weston award as the top high school team in the country for the third straight year.br /• We had 3 skiers (Isabel Caldwell, Austin Cobb and Bridger Tyler) named to the USST J1 Scandinavian Cup team (top 6 J1 boys and girls in the US).br /• Current seniors Isabel Caldwell and Gage Fichter placed 1,3 in the overall Eastern Cup standings and alumnae Sophie Caldwell and Megan Killigrew (both at Dartmouth) placed 2nd and 5th.br /• Skyler Davis placed 4th overall and 1st Jr. in the Eastern Cup.br /• 13 of our 14 eligible skiers were named to the NE Jr. National team.br /• At Jr. Nationals we had 2 skiers (Isabel Caldwell and Heather Mooney) get gold medals, 2 more (Skyler Davis and Gage Fichter) podium, 3 more (Bridger Tyler, Austin Cobb and Cambria McDermott) place in the top 10 and 3 more place in the top 15.br /br /Here is a list of our skiers with USSA licenses that shows their year end points for 2009 and 2010 as well as their age group rank within the East and the US at the end of this year.br /br /Name YOB 2009 2010 rank in East rank in USbr /br /Skyler Davis 1991 112.66 85.25 1 4br /Austin Cobb 1992 133.14 137.18 3 8br /Bridger Tyler 1992 176.09 146.62 4 14br /Austin Caldwell 1992 209.16 169.51 7 27br /Magnus Bigelow 1993 na 163.90 3 18br /br /Isabel Caldwell 1992 148.15 110.03 1 3br /Gage Fichter 1992 181.81 129.41 2 6br /Cambria McDermott 1993 202.64 129.55 1 4br /Rachel Hall 1993 210.88 143.72 2 10br /Isabelle Pelletier 1993 217.87 156.66 4 14br /Hallie Grossman 1993 na 175.77 6 18br /Heather Mooney 1994 171.60 98.52 1 1div class=”blogger-post-footer”img width=’1′ height=’1′ src=’https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/tracker/4680416899705879324-269424496279057755?l=smsxc.blogspot.com’ alt=” //div

Sverre Caldwell

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