
FasterSkierMay 18, 2010

Just finished 5th Ascent of Toll Road. Ready for last descent of the day

Sunday morning May 16th 2010 view of Whiteface from highway riding down from Lake Placid To get one last climb in before Sequestered training camp.

Jason after his 3rd time up the Whiteface Toll Road. Stop sign in Wilmington to the Castle. Amazingly Saturday was the first time he cycled up Whiteface.

Jason on Sunday after his 4th time up in a weekend.

This past Saturday May 15th I had set a personal challenge of climbing the Whiteface Mtn Memorial Toll Road( an 8 mile access road with over 3500ft of vertical from Wilmington NY) 5 consecutive times in a row. It would give me almost 18,000ft of climbing in about 7 hours. That would more then equal what Vino said he did in January. I had already ridden it 3 times a row over 15 years ago.

Also late in the week prior I enlisted a couple of people to give donations to NSA. I also pledged $20 for each time I made it to the Castle.
Fast forward to Saturday May 15th 2010 upon awakening at O’Dark Hundred there was noticeable rain coming down. At 06:00 when getting p out of bed there was some light precipitation coming down. At this point my enthusiasm for an all day assault on Whiteface was deflated to wanting to go to Chair Six and get a scrumptious breakfast with my family and wait for the weather to clear.
Alas knowing that I had to get at it to raise the funds for the kids at NSA!!
So at 07:30 approximately I left my Subaru at the stop sign in Wilmington and started up the toll road. Luckily to my Wife’s chagrin I collected some extra clothes and stuffed them in a back pack for my first trip. Off I went into a brutal headwind with a light drizzle. By the time I hit the summit it was a steady downpour complete whiteout a brutal buffeting wind and 34deg F by my SRM. Luckily each time up the weather improved with each successive time up.
On my third time up Jason H. joined into the Whiteface Repeat Challenge. This was his first time tackling the toll road on a bicycle. He accompanied me for three times up the toll road.
Although the weather was brutal it was gratifying to successfully complete the challenge of a Whiteface 5-peat.
Amazingly the next morning it was sunny and mid fifties in Placid so Jason And I did one more ride up to the Castle to enjoy the majestic view. Also I raised a little money for National Sports Academy.


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