A Word about the Johnny5

Johnny KlisterMay 26, 2010

pp class=”MsoNormal”The nominations this year were more serious this year than last. (A few drunken emails late at night coming out of the Intermountain region as an exception.) This prompts this warning: JohnnyKlister.com is dickish, elitist and self-indulgent, a website started for a few people to mock and celebrate ski racing.span  /spanIt continues to exist as a bit of online catharsis from the skiing severity of places like SkiTrax and the Masterskier.span  /spanAs a website, this is a hobby, not serious journalism.span  /spanIt is a lark.span  /spanThe winners of the Johnny5 are picked by a handful of people, pictured above, and reflect the zeitgeist of those with their hands deep in the waxbox.span  /spanIf you don’t agree, start a website, update it everyday with absurd crap and make your own prize-less award.span  /spanThat said, the nominations are more uplifting than they are upsetting.span  /spanThere are many, many people who love skiing deeply and want it to succeed.span  /spanMore than the petty anger that seems to follow (and perhaps be intentionally sired by) every Fasterskier article, we’re a skiing country of optimists that can push forward with an earnest purpose and occasionally take time to laugh at the absurdities of our sport.span  /spanThanks to anyone who nominated anyone.  The first winner goes up today at 1:00pm EST./p

Johnny Klister

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